Boys are beautiful and cute, especially Japanese boys, really


Just wach

It's from a Japanese show call "学校へ行こう!MAX" (Let's go to school! MAX)
in this first (ya there are many more) video, their said they started this new project in the show because they got 800 applications to be a 女装男子 (a boy dress as girl)

here are other videos, they are in broadcast order (if I didn't make mistake)

that last girl is cute, really cute, I think

let's go out with them XD

They prepare for something big (going to TGC)

the "girls" in TGC (Tokyo Girl collection. Here you will see lots REAL cute and beautiful girls

the last one (from the show on April 22), but there will be more

Now, we need really make sure if she's really a 'she' when meet a kawaii girl in Japan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thanks for sharing that!!! i really spent a great time!!! the part with arashi was hilarious!!