Hirano Aya been hit by a taxi...

Aya got hit by a taxi's door today !! (it's still a taxi)
She said, on her blog, the taxi driver closed the door too fast after Aya got off the car (for those who don't know, taxi driver in Japan can control taxi's back doors, so when you get on or off a taxi, doors open and close 'automatically') . Luckily she just got a bump on her forehead, the pin on her hat got crushed too. So it seems no scratch or anything bad.

The picture is from her previous post, but the pin on her hat is the same one that got crushed :

bunny Hirano Aya XD

For celebrating the end of Aya chan's three single in three months, she dressed up like a bunny girl (picture is from her blog)! XD
She said it's her first time in bunny costume.

Still waiting for 'MonStart' and Aya chan's first DVD from YesAsia, hope I'll get it before Xmas.

Aa Megamisama Tatakau Tsubasa

For the 20th anniversary of "Ah! My Goddess" (ああっ女神さま), an one hour special episode is aired December 8th night - Aa Megami-sama: Tatakau Tsubasa (ああっ女神さまっ 闘う翼)

Nothing new, still the same bad guys girls and the same good girls add one lucky Morisato Keiichi. As good as the pass series. Only new thing is there are some new angels.


Just came back from a local Karaoke open by Korean XD
It's not the first time. Remember the first time it took me half an hour to find out how the sound selection remote works lol

they have tons of Korean songs (obviously), and a good amount of Japanese, English and Chinese songs. They have quite some popular anime song too, but not really up to day, I think they don't have any newer than Suzumiya Haruhi no yuuutsu, so 2006.

Do you like karaoke ? it's there a good karaoke that you can sing lots of anime songs ?

KeyHole TV - the real time Japanese TV

I just find a interesting program, KeyHole TV

It's a small simple application that you can watch Japanese TV (or any TV if available) in real time.

Quality is similar to youtube, the sound is quite bad sometime. I still love the program, because it's free, really simple to use. You can have it in Japanese or English. and it can be downloaded here.

Mop Girl

Been so long didn't post anything ^^; too busy too busy, and too can't find interesting stuff to post.

lastly, I'm watching a quite interesting j-drama , and of course many other - lots- of anime

that drama is Mop Gril
It's about a girl, Momoko, going back in time and save life (^○^)

What I really like is the mix of detective feel, comedy and the cosplay XD

there are 8 raw now, but the sub are bit slow, only two available here